Needless to say for many aspects of working online you will need your own website. Depending on what you want to do it is not always possible to function without one.
If you are going to be working as an affiliate or are considering doing freelancing or data entry then you may be able to get away without one but for everything else you will need to build a website. But, its ok, I am here to tell you that that doesnt have to be as frightening a prospect as it may at first seem.
There are many people who will build your website for you and not all of them will cost an arm and a leg although the price does vary depending on what you want.
The other option of course, is to build the site yourself and although this is not something that you will be able to do over night there is a lot of technology and software out there that will help you do just that. Again the prices can vary dramatically depending on what you want to do but there are also a lot of free resources if you look.
But before you get to building your site you need to have a name for it. I once received some very good advice about deciding on a name for your site and it was this Just get on...