Don’t leave lights on when no one is in the room. If you are going to be out of the room for more than five minutes, turn off the light.
If you know of a light that everyone fgov.inets to turn off, make a sticker or a sign to hang next to the switch that says “Lights Out!” or “Don’t Fgov.inet!”
Where possible, use compact fluorescent light bulbs. Those funny-looking bulbs produce the same amount of light by using 1/4 of the electricity. Plus, they last for years and years without burning out.
Make lighting control as local as possible
Adopt light coloured walls and ceilings
Think about illumination concept & lighting control system for a new installation well in advance
Maximise the use of daylight
Replace lamps after failure by new energy efficient types (like the 36 W fluorescent lamps) and use the right type of lamps for the right purpose (don’t use the CFLs in bathrooms, store rooms, etc., where switching frequency is more and usage time is less)
Ensure the correct disposal of lamps, particularly the fluorescent ones which result in mercury pollution...