There are different styles and designs of helmets available in motorcycle stores these days. Colors range from classic solid colors to domineering neon and luminous colors to promote conspicuity. There are also replicas that look like super bike champ wear.
Street motorcycle accessories like helmet are matters of personal taste. In that case, aesthetic side is often chosen over anything else. Anyhow, this has contributed why safety is most of the time overlooked. Whatever the case may be riders safety must be the topmost priority.
In a study conducted by the NHTSA, DOT National Highway Traffic Safety US Department of Transportation, they have subjected 50 motorcyclists, of varying age and riding experience to a test. They were made to ride along a prescribed test route. Then, they were asked to periodically change lanes and their head to check traffic in the adjacent lane. Afterwards, they were made to change lane in their normal manner. The riders have driven the route three times, full and partial helmet on, and on the third time, without wearing a helmet. The ability to hear surrounding traffic was also altered systematically.
The study found out that...