Dont Forget Your Garden When It Comes To Home Insurance
While the majority of people do realise the importance of having contents insurance to safeguard their possessions from theft and other disasters, very often the contents of the garden are sometimes forgotten and, if you have expensive patio furniture or such like, then this could be a huge mistake.
In a recent study it was found that here in the UK we spend millions on garden furniture, plants and equipment to enjoy what little summer we have. With theft of garden and patio furniture on the increase it is essential that you make sure if you are covered for these in your home insurance policy.
Another fact that came to light was the fact that while people protected their homes with security features very few people gave much thought about enhancing the security in the garden or patio. This has left them wide open to the rising figures of garden and patio thefts which are thought to be around the 1.4 million mark.
However there are many simple ways that you can help to protect your home and garden. One way is to make sure that you get into the habit of enuirng that you put all expensive garden...