Its been said that an average American has about 9 to 10 credit cards. Having that much credit cards simply means that you have high purchasing powers. You can actually just splurge on anything that catches your fancy; you dont actually give out cash at that instant.
Credit cards are so popular these days. Everyone seems to be using one everyday. Its also very easy to apply for a credit card. In fact, credit card companies are aggressively advertising their services so they could attract more people to sign up. Online and offline stores even encourage the use of credit cards by giving cardholders special discounts and promotions.
Its really very easy to get caught up in a huge credit card debt nowadays. In fact, a lot of people are already suffering from great financial losses just because of some credit card debts they were unable to pay. Most people forget that when they use their cards to purchase, they would eventually have to shell out cash to pay for that.
Paying for credit card purchases are usually even more expensive. Thats because you would have to pay for the interests. And credit card interest rates do not come cheap. In fact, theyre high enough...