I am a Christian. I believe in Christ, not because I have any proof that Christ is the son of God, but because I want to believe. I believe that the teachings that are ascribed to Christ would, if everyone followed them to the best of their ability, make this a far better world. I further believe that this country, The United States Of America, is the greatest country in the world and it is so in part because it has tried to base it’s morals and ethics on and has tried to follow Christian ethics. I am not, however, a bible thumping Christian, an evangelistic Christian or even a regular church going Christian. I am not trying to convert the world or even my neighbors to Christianity. I don’t care if a person is a Christian, a Jew, a Muslim, an Atheist, etc. as long as the person is a good person and cares about other people.
Just don’t tell me that I can’t celebrate Christmas, don’t tell me that I can’t say merry Christmas, don’t tell me that a Christmas tree is a “holiday” tree, don’t tell me that December 25 is no longer Christmas Day but is instead now a no name holiday, dont tell me that if I say merry...