Don’t worry about the threat of increasing interest rates! Don’t worry that you will not be able to afford to keep your house! There are several innovative ways to earn a little income from your property.
Some retired folk have turned their garage into a workshop and they make wooden furniture for summer selling. Others use their large yard to stack wood that has been cut and split in the summer for sale in the winter.
Another idea is to rent one of your rooms to a student for a few months while you adjust to a new financial situation.
Yet another money-making idea is to borrow an age old European tradition and offer bed and breakfast in your home. This need not mean cooking up a large breakfast and getting it to the table all in one piece! Often there is no cooking involved at all, and there is almost no initial outlay either.
This can be a lucrative business if you live on a main road, or can hang a sign that can be seen that states, ‘Bed and Breakfast’. There are other venues for marketing your new business, but often pamphlets take up to a year to register your listing. Do you have a Tourist Information in your area...