Wouldnt it be exciting if you find the software that can increase your download speed up to 500%? Download accelerator is exactly the thing which would make your dream of speedy downloads, come true.
Download accelerators provide you the solution to high speed downloading. If it took about 15-20 minutes to download something previously, it will now take up mere 2-10 minutes. Well, if youre interested in knowing more about download accelerators, read on.
When you try to download a file from a website through your web browser, it strikes a connection to the websites HTTP server. Then it downloads the required file through the connection made to HTTP server. The HTTP servers of today have the capability of requesting certain ranges of file. This feature helps you to resume your download from the exact point, in case of any disconnections.
The download accelerators work in the other way. They download the multiple ranges of the HTTP server at a same time by opening multiple connections to the server. When you try to download a file using a single connection, the download accelerator increases the number of connections to that particular website, thereby...