I walked away with my tail between my legs. Sure, the error was all mine. I had a list of people I’d spoken to and one name was really obscure and neither Jo nor I knew who they were.
I sat down and thought about it. ‘Who are you?’ I asked. ‘Make yourself known to me again?’
With that I turned my attention to other matters. That’s when the phone rang and the person on the list revealed themselves to me.
Now if we want to be cynical we could say that the materialisation of that phone call was just coincidence – that this person just happened to call and remind me who they were. But what are the chances?
First, I just happened to have written the name badly on the list. Second, Jo just happened to spot my error. Third, we just happened to be discussing the person. Fourth, I just happened to ask for that person to make themselves known to me again. And it all just happened to happen, in the space of an hour.
What odds would you give on that happening?
This kind of thing happens to me too often for me to doubt that there is some greater connection going on between all our minds – a higher...