Reading your fortune with coffee is very similar to participating in a Rorschach test. You need to get the wider view and understand the symbols accurately to see what is coming.
Here are step-by-step points on how to prepare to read coffee grounds:
Use a white cup to get an precise reading
Grind your coffee beans as normal. You can use espresso coffee, but do not let any cream, milk, sugar or anything else to be added
Heat water to a boil
Formulate your coffee in a French press as standard
Then add a big spoonful of coffee grounds to your cup and pour the just this minute made coffee over it. Then stir.
Consume the coffee by holding the cup by two hands
When done consuming the coffee, tilt the cup on a 90 degree angle and carefully rotate the cup to let all surplus coffee grounds to be excluded onto a saucer. Dont beat the cup and dont swirl the cup more than three times.
There are a few points to mull over when interpreting coffee grounds: the rim of the coffee cup, the centre and the bottom of the coffee cup. The bottom is your past, the middle is your present and the top is your future. You need to look for...