Is it driving you? I guess not. Screws are somewhat like the air we breathe, they are tiny things that we take for granted in our daily lives. Now if you havent seen what a screw looks like, flip your keyboard or mouse upside down. Yes thats it! Its that shiny silver thing on the edges of the gadgets you commonly use.
Screws usually function as fasteners for mounting and for locking two adjacent cases to protect the inner core of the gadget. Recently screws have evolved and are made of plastic material which is generally used for mounting electronic circuit boards to take advantage of its insulation property.
Screws for that matter dont come as metal or plastic in its classification. They are classified depending on the shape of the slot it has on its head and the thread that it has.
Commonly there are two classifications of screws. We have the wood screw and the metal screw. How do we tell the difference? Metal screws have a pitch with much farther spaces in between them compared to that of the wood screw. Metal screws are used when a hole has been drilled unto the metal surface prior to the installation of the screw. A wood screw is not a screw made out...