Checking the rankings of your site in the search engines can become addictive. This is fine so long as you do not drive the person handling your seo work insane.
Driving Your SEO Professional Insane
What are the first words out of a search engine optimization professionals mouth when talking to a potential client? This is going to take some time. Not only do we say this, but we tend to overestimate how long it is going to take. In addition to covering our butts, we say this to keep you from driving us insane.
As a client, you must show some faith in your search engine optimization professional. If you are told it is going to take a certain amount of time before rankings will appear, do not start checking them every morning. Okay, you can check them, but do not call me everyday! The more time I spend on the phone with you, the less time I have to work on your campaign. Patience is the word you have to focus on here.
A second method for driving your seo professional insane is the area of unwanted advice. This typically occurs when you read an article, book or see something on the television about search engine optimization. You may have the urge to...