In todays world, when the concerns regarding the environment are growing, the demand for environment friendly cleaning methods is increasing. The traditional methods of cleaning such as pressure washing have come under scrutiny. Companies are turning to other more eco-friendly alternatives.
One such alternative is dry ice blasting. It is considered superior to other traditional methods such as scrapers, sanders and wire brushes. This process is known to save time and cleans as thoroughly and neatly or more so in a comparatively less time.
It is also faster and time-saving. It is used in any type of industry which has equipments that need to be cleaned regularly like automotive, power plants, aviation, packaging, plastics and many more. For instance, companies such as React365 Inc. offer on-site dry ice blasting services. This non-invasive form of cleaning technology is safe and effective on everything from the bottoms of boats to electrical switches and turbine fins.
What is Dry Ice
Dry ice is a solid form of carbon dioxide (Co2). Dry ice is as hard as a plaster and under atmospheric pressure it sublimes at a temperature of -78oC....