Truth be told, there’s no reason for anyone to suffer with the standard, boring, century-old traditional telephone ringtone that is standard on most cellular phones. Through the miracle of the internet, anyone can access great cell phone ringtones to showcase their own unique style, hobbies, and interests.
Where Cell Phone Ringtones Come From
There are actually a ton of places where you can get cell phone ringtones. If you’re really technologically talented, you can copy songs and load them onto your cell phone yourself. Most of us, though, don’t have the knowledge or the patience for that.
Its very easy to set a ringtones on your mobile phone. Some monophonic ringtones already placed in your mobile PHONE by the company as an extra added feature. But to have more ringtones for your mobile, you can download ring tones from the Internet. There are thousands of ringtones available on many websites.
The first thing is to find out the ringtone of your choice and then picking up the good one which is compatible with your mobile model. There are some sites that charge you for downloading ringtones and some offer free ringtone facility....