In the 1960’s, The Smurfs became a hit on television. It is an animated series that features dwarf-like characters that walk, run, and talk. They are like human beings except the fact that they are miniature in size. Sad to say that there are individuals today that suffer from a condition which results in extreme small size proportions. Dwarfism is the term that medical specialists refer to as an abnormality in height that is mainly caused by genetics. People with this illness usually have short structures, bones, arms, and legs. Additionally these people may have difficulty in breathing because of small chests.
Medical studies show that the most common form of dwarfism is achondroplasia, which generates short limbs, increased spinal curves, and deformation of the skull. Abnormalities in the chromosomes and pituitary glands may lead to dwarfism. The common origin of this illness according to reports are genetic. People with dwarfism have normal intelligence though there are some cases that certain individuals have impaired mental abilities. The sexual health of people with dwarfism are normal in most cases. This disorder could be an inherited trait or abnormal...