Scuba divers, when asked why they love the ocean and the beauty that thrives underneath the seas surface, would probably have varied answers. But most likely, the common reply would be that they are men of the sea. Whether there is enough logic to this kind of answer or none at all is left to the inquirer.
But scuba divers would unanimously agree and answer no when asked if they trust the ocean. Like the desert and its sands, the ocean and its waters are treacherous. They are calm and majestic now, horrible and ugly the next. But still, men of the ocean are drawn to the serenity the ocean provides. All the while embracing the fury that it can unleash on any given Sunday. And the ocean has more than storms and hurricanes on the table. It can fool the diver who underestimates it power. The more you stay in the water, Death steps nearer.
The Deep Water Blackout is a phenomenon that has taken lives of experienced and licensed scuba divers, some of whom are fitted with the right equipment and Reactor watches and all that scuba gear. Deep Water Blackout occurs when a diver loses consciousness while ascending from a deep dive, usually from 10 meters deep. Victims faint...