One of the main advantages of advanced internet technologies is the possibility of hour targeting for ads served to web sites.
Exactly how such targeting is done, that is a tech issue far beyond our e-Marketing topic. What is important to us, e-Marketers, is to be aware of this facility web servers have and use it towards making online campaigns more efficient.
Hour targeting is especially useful when:
– we already know the online buying habits of our target;
– we want to create an association between our products and a certain time of the day when interest might be higher;
– we try to avoid a certain category of customers that are known to be more active at a certain hour interval;
– we know from previous researches that sites where we are advertising have different categories of visitors, with different interests and behaviour, active at certain hours.
Let us try imagining some examples of justified hour targeting:
– Premium IT products (such as laptops) could probably use a business hours targeting, on the premises that active, working professionals have more buying power. Similarly, off-hours...