If you have signed up for an airline credit card, you are probably trying to figure out how to get the most of its reward system. More than likely, you are paying an annual fee for your airline credit card, plus a higher interest rate than what you would pay for a card without rewards. Therefore, it makes financial sense to want to be sure you are getting something in return for the investment. The best way to ensure that you use your airline credit cards to their fullest is to earn those free tickets sooner rather than later.
Choose the Card Wisely
When selecting an airline credit card, keep in mind that there are several to choose from. Some airline miles credit cards are formed in partnership with specific airlines, which means your rewards will be restricted to just that airline. Others are more generic and allow you to collect miles for a variety of airlines. These cards work by purchasing a discounted ticket for you on the airline of your choice based on the cash value of every mile you earn. If you don’t want to be restricted to just one airline, this type of airline credit card is a good option for you. You can often earn a ticket quicker...