Overcoming writers block has so many prescribed cures that seem like witches brew, you may as well be trying to get rid of hiccups. My favorite remedy is just write anything. If I were to follow this advice when Im stuck in a frustrating blank stare moment, my page would be filled with expletives that would be of no use to anyone, including Lenny Bruce.
If you have no idea of what to say on any given subject, you do not have writers block, you have a lack of knowledge problem. If you have the facts in front of you and still do not know what to say then you have writers block. The basic step of gathering enough material to complete your writing task should never be confused with writers block. Writing takes leg work – tedious legwork. Before the Internet this task could seem insurmountable; but now with worlds of knowledge at our fingertips, I dont want to hear about any problems getting background material on any subject. Learn how to use the search engines well. This should already be part of your writers skill set.
Genuine writers block comes when you just dont know how to say it. You have the information, a basic outline, yet you are not satisfied with...