Easy Ways To Get Your Web Site Noticed by Search Engines.
Almost everyone knows that when a person wants to know something on the Internet they turn to search engines like MSN, and Google to find what they are looking for. This makes it very important for web site owners to know how to get their web sites ranked well on search engines, so that the people doing the searching can find their web site.
The first thing you should know is that the job of a search engine is to bring up the web page, that is most relevant to the search.
Search Engine Optimization isn’t rocket science!
The job of the web site owner is to make their web site more relevant than other sites. The other job they need to do is make sure the web site gets submitted to search engines. Do those two things and you are getting some attention well needed from the search engines, the reward is free targeted traffic.
I wrote an my first article titled “The plug-in Profit Home Business Review.” Now I didn’t know too much about writing articles at the time so this happened to be dumb luck. After a few weeks I did a search to find that my article got placed on...