There are about as many different ways to ship ebay items as there are ebay sellers. That being said, there are many eBay sellers who don’t ship using the correct packaging or the least expensive service. These 10 tips are written to help sellers get started shipping their ebay items correctly.
1) Always Pack the Item Properly
The biggest mistake you can make when shipping an item is to go lighty on the packaging and send an unportected item. Buyers will instantly leave negative feedback if the item arrives damaged due to bad padding. Make sure you look into the proper packaging for the item you are shipping – a book is different then a china doll, and both require proper materials.
2) Never Pay For Packing Materials
Right behind improper packing is over paying for shipping materials. There are far too many sources of free boxes and free padding to need to buy them. I have been a powerseller on ebay for 4 years and not once have I paid for packing materials. EBay and USPS offer free boxes, UPS offers free shipping labels. Local retailers will generaly have old boxes lying around also – this is perfect for those large items....