There are many terms in quilting that many individuals may not be aware of unless they are actually an expert or have done their research in advance. One of these terms, for example, is edge-to edge quilting? It refers to the idea of one pattern literally going from edge to edge. There are repeated patterns that go from one edge to the other, whether that is up and down or top to bottom. There may be one pattern in edge to edge quilting or several, but the pattern dictates the term is applied regardless.
There are distinct aesthetic values attached to edge to edge quilting but there are also problems associated with achieving that effect. It is difficult to achieve the edge to edge quilting effect via hand quilting. It is much easier to achieve it with a machine because a machine can be set to repeat specific patterns. It is virtually impossible to achieve the same results with hand sewing because you cannot repeat the exact same pattern several times. Spacing and ordering are vital and thus a machine would be perfect to achieve the effect.
Edge to edge quilting usually incorporates the same patterns on the front and the back of the quilt in question. However, it...