With the internet flooding with new knowledge and resources on not just a daily basis, but on a second by second basis, why are we limiting ourselves to the possibilities of a better education outside of the classroom?
It is tradition and ingrained in many adolescents growing up that you need to go to a good college to get the experience and training you need. Many students cannot afford dormitories let alone living on campus and dealing with the additional stresses involved. Why are we not as a community encouraging our young teens into using one of our newest and greatest tools, the internet, to enrich and enhance our lives with convenience?
With more and more colleges, universities and online educational accredited study degree programs becoming available, the possibilities are growing. When you think back or think forward about your higher education, what factor usually comes into any busy persons mind? Time and cost. Well, attending regular academic colleges and universities is not only time consuming, it is expensive. You need to have the resources to get to class, eat while youre there, while balancing everything else in your life, appointments,...