Effectiveness for me is overrated. Thats why all this hubbub and fuss about finding and then constructing measurement schemes for internet advertising that allow for universal terminology, comparable systems, standardized measurement, scalable auditing, and all the rest just puts a burr in my saddle. I think we need to get back to the basics.
My mom once told me that it was the thought that counts. She also one time told me that I was a horrible person, so I dont take everything that she says as gospel, but on this one I feel shes on to something. Thought. Intention. These are the building blocks upon which a job poorly done is created and summarily congratulated.
You tried. I see you really, really triedand thats what means something to me kid. Keep up the good work.
Thats the kind of response to failure that we should be supporting, preferring and engaging in on a daily basis. Whats this overwhelming value that weve given to effectiveness gotten us anyways? The economys still going through that crest and trough thing, the dollars down, oils up, cardiology is in ever growing demand and kids are shooting up schools like its part of the mandatory...