Solar panels hold a wealth of benefits, both for individuals and for the world at large. Economically, solar panels promise to lower the cost of electrical power. Environmentally, solar panels can give us cleaner power, sustainable power that will not require further damage to the environment. Solar power can reach remote areas. It can carry education, or urgently needed medical information.
The effects of clouds on a solar panel, though, might diminish those and other promising benefits.
The effects of clouds on a solar panel might make it far less efficient in certain parts of the world and at certain seasons.
For that reason, people who are considering solar panels for their homes are often heard to ask: will clouds affect my solar panels?
Will Clouds Affect My Solar Panels?
Clouds do affect solar panels. The amount of power your solar panels can produce is directly dependent on the level of light they receive.
In full, bright sunlight, solar panels receive maximum levels of light. During those “peak” sunlight hours, your solar panels will produce power at their maximum capacity.
When clouds cover the sun, light...