Are You a Winner? What does it take to be a winner? Winning is really nothing more than an attitude. How is it that, although you are doing the exact same things as the next guy, the end results are not the same?
Lets examine what ingredients make up a winning attitude. Whether you need to win a crucial athletic feat, shed a destructive habit, or accomplish financial security, you wont miss if the following elements are utilized:
1. One day at a time
Whatever your goal is, do not get overwhelmed with the enormity of the task. Decide right at the outset to set attainable short-term goals as you go along. What can you accomplish today towards your long-term vision? Every day that brings results is an affirmation that you will be able to do the same tomorrow, and so on.
2. Stick-to-it-iveness
Keep on keeping on. Do not allow yourself to get discouraged and give up. You never know how close you are to the breakthrough. Your next move; the next day may be the one that will transform your destiny.
3. The right tools
Do you have the right tools for the job? If you want to win Olympic gold, do you have all the athletic abilities and...