Electric Radio Controlled Cars The Recommended Choice For The Newcomer
One of the first decisions for the newcomer to the world of radio controlled cars is whether to buy an electrically powered or a nitro powered car.
As a general rule, electric radio controlled cars and trucks are the best choice for the beginner since they tend to be simpler, quieter, cleaner and easier to operate. The trade-off for this simplicity and ease of operation comes in the form of cars that do not have the realism and the power brought to radio controlled cars by nitro engines, but it is undoubtedly a wise decision to cut your teeth with an electric model before tackling the complexities of nitro power.
Electric radio controlled cars use battery packs to power both the motor and steering and these are normally recharged using either a 12-volt car battery or a mains powered charging unit. Batteries run for between 5 and 10 minutes, depending on the type of engine in the car, and re-charging usually takes between 15 and 30 minutes. Because of this, it is highly recommended that you buy at least two, if not three, battery packs to allow for more or less continuous...