We all love freebies of any kind. Credit card companies have been making use of this fact to get more customers. Thus we have credit cards that provide rewards. Cash back credit cards and cards that help you earn frequent flier points are a few of the popular bonuses. People are always enthusiastic about freebies of all kinds. So credit card rewards are in great demand. However, some points should be noted. One is that rewards are given to only those cardholders who are frequent users of their credit cards. Another is that there is usually some fine print involved. So even while you are thinking about that new cash back offer, see to it that you read the terms and conditions thoroughly.
Many of us are tempted by the potential rewards to spend more than they would have otherwise. A reward may become insignificant if you overspend your budget just to try and get that reward. Thus, it makes sense to thoroughly consider which of your expenses you should be paying using your credit card. Ideally, utilities like gas and cable, that is, expenses that recur, should be paid using the credit card. Check out your other expenses to see which you should put onto your credit card....