At this time many people have come to represent a social status, in essence many people believe that by dragging out their credit card upon making a purchase, they somehow are signifying their status within society. Essentially most people make use of their credit cards for a variety of things without giving real thought to the implications that could happen in the future from doing so. Many people who carry credit cards, also have the enormous debt that goes along with it. It is said that an average family will carry more than seven thousand dollars in credit card debt alone and is being charged around one thousand dollars in interest alone on a yearly basis. The one thousand dollars that is spend on the interest, could be more useful in other areas such as savings, investments, or paying other bills, instead of essentially flushing it down the drain because you use the credit card for all purposes.
The best way to eliminate your debt made with credit cards is to simply cease in using them. If you carry more than one, you should choose the card that has an interest rate that is lower than the others and only use that one for emergencies. This card again should only be...