Monthly credit card payments have recently skyrocketed, which has resulted in millions of people looking for some type of debt relief.
While consumers struggle to make even their minimum monthly payments, issuers of credit cards are realizing all-time record profits. For instance, credit card companies earned a staggering $90.1 Billion in profits from interest charged to consumers during the year 2006. Whats worse is that these same companies earned $55.2 Billion in fees charged to their customers, such as over-limit fees and late fees.
If youre a consumer contributing to these ridiculous profits through high interest credit card debt, and youre struggling to meet your monthly financial obligations, its time to reassess your current situation. I recommend that you gather all of your credit card bills and carefully review each statement. Youll want to determine exactly how much interest and/or fees are accruing on your accounts each month. After doing so, you should be able to have a clear understanding of whether or not you can realistically pay off these debts in a reasonable amount of time, and eliminate some of the interest youre paying. For a free Credit Card...