Many online businesses look at email marketing as a viable means of directing traffic to their website. Buying lists from a third party can be expensive. This type of email marketing is often viewed as spam because the recipient did not ask to receive the material you sent. Most businesses that use this type of list will work to invite recipients to opt in to future listings with a promise to make this a one-time email unless they actually sign up.
Some ecommerce merchants also use rented lists. This can also be expensive and the list can only be used once. Recipients often have the same feeling about this type of email marketing campaign, which is often viewed as spam.
Organic Email Marketing
This takes longer and is built on a more grass roots concept. This type of campaign only relies on those that have already made contact with your business and have willingly provided their email address for future emailings.
This type of opt in relies on free membership offers. The visitor willingly provides their contact information in exchange for free membership benefits. This scenario provides a positive means of connection with a more receptive...