If youre ready to implement your email marketing campaign, and youve already selected some quality email marketing software, you should take time to analyze what factors make for a quality email in an email campaign. Below you will find some great tips for designing a quality email that were derived from various experts in the field of online marketing.
Target your emails to the right recipients
Most failed email marketing campaigns didn’t work because the sender treated every email recipient the same. The person who loved blue wallpaper got the blanket email featuring the green wallpaper. While the people who like green wallpaper were happy, the rest of the email recipients were alienated. Don’t make the same mistake. Gather as much data as you can, from geographic location to customer buying habits. Study that data and divide your list accordingly. If you have a group of people who love one type of service you offer and another group that couldn’t care less, strategize accordingly. Personalize your emails
Call your customers by name in emails if you can. Send your emails from the same from address every time. The more personal you can...