Humans are all emotional being. We do not always make decisions rationally. Emotion is part of us as investors. Investors might feel better towards stocks at certain point or they might feel that owning stocks are risky and avoid it at all cost.
Investors may also feel attached towards a specific company and continue owning the stock without regards to its fundamental. For example, you might like Google’s search engine so much that you decide to buy the stock at $ 350 without doing any research. You figure that Google’s search engine is so much better that buying the stock will give you profit, right? Wrong. Now, I am not here to bash Google as an investment, but analyzing an investment goes beyond the products and companies. Most investors can identify good companies and products. It is quite easy. You know that a Mercedes is a better car than a Ford or a Civic.
The next question is how much should you pay for a Mercedes or a Civic? This requires us to put aside our emotion for a second and think clearly. Sure, you’d like to have a Mercedes in your life. It is luxurious and have a lot more fancy features than a Civic has. But, that does not mean...