Change Personal History, is one of the most powerful techniques in an NLP practitioners toolbox. When clients come to see me for NLP, Herts at my NLP practice, Herts, it is possible to empower them to achieve emotional freedom using this technique.
Human beings only exist in the present. What we know is that we are constantly bombarded with sensory data from the environment. In order to make sense of this information, we filter it and store it as an internal representation or map. Anything not being experienced in the moment is a memory.
Often when individuals come to see me, for NLP in Herts, it is the memory of past events that are causing them a problem in the present. Specifically, it is the way the person re-experiences the past event during the process of remembering that accounts for distress in the present.
Change Personal History works by enabling the person to re-evaluate and make changes to the memory of past events. Whats more, the person is able to make use of current resources and knowledge that they have now, but didnt have access to at the time the event occurred. So, whilst its not ever possible to change what actually happened, it is...