How to inspire employees to perform better and continue retaining their loyalty with the company? Ask this question around and the first option may be given as to raise the pay. Is raising the salary the only method of inspiring employees? Let us look at some others that can make a difference.
The first thought of money and inspiration means that we subconsciously compare our employees to machines. Add more fuel, maintain and it will perform better but that is for machines. Humans are certainly not machines. If money was the main motivating factor, you would not find people working for humanitarian and non profit causes without any money in return.
So when we think about motivating employees, we have to first look at them as thinking emotional beings with aspirations, their personality contradictions, and all the pluses and minuses of a human being. How does a thank you change the mood, especially when it was not expected? Thanking can change the mood totally, because by thanking we are acknowledging the good work done by some one. That acknowledgment is a big reward. I appreciate the good work being done by you and I thank for all the help that you have been to...