What is Emu Oil? Emu oil was discovered by Aborigines many thousands of years ago as a skin moisturizer, antiseptic, and as an aid in the relief of sunburn, muscular aches and joint pain, as well as aiding in the healing of injuries. The emu oil is rendered from a thick layer of fat on the back yielding 5 – 7 liters of unsaturated, non-toxic, highly penetrating oil. Over ten years of research done at Global Canyon Ranch (Texas) has revealed that the emu oil has unique thermodynamic properties. Combined with other ingredients, the oil can be used to machine stainless steel much more rapidly, thus considerable savings in labor results.
The emu oil is the greatest emollient in the world. It penetrates the skin better than mink or any other natural oil, and lacks long chain fatty acids which is conducive to a long shelf-life.
Emu Oil is considered a complete source of essential fatty acids. Essential Fatty Acids (EFA’s) are fats that humans cannot manufacture or synthesize. We must obtain them from our diet. Like vitamins and minerals they are essential to the body’s functions. Incredibly, this amazing oil contains omega 3,6,9 essential fatty acids...