Having a small business can be very challenging as well as enjoyable for kids. More than ten years ago, selling lemonades, cutting lawns, delivering newspapers, selling cookies and other forms of enterprises keep teenage entrepreneurs busy. As the years pass by, young entrepreneurs evolved and some graduated from the traditional businesses of selling cookies and cutting lawns to become full fledge business people. As these enterprising kids grow up, most of these enterprising kids continued their business and become successful at it.
One of the best examples of a teenage business that grows into an adult business is that little girl who used to sell cookies around the neighborhood and grew up to be the proud owner of two successful bakeshops across town. From earning a few coins selling cookies each summer around the neighborhood, that little girl turned her business into something that brings about thousands of dollars in profit every year. The secret of her success is that at an early age, she was already exposed to the nitty-gritty of finding good suppliers of ingredients for her small business and had established a good relationship with these suppliers. Furthermore,...