Encourage The Path To Genius With Arizona Home Equity Loans
With the quality of education rapidly declining, there are very few universities that still offer excellent instruction. Short of sending your child to an Ivy League university, the next best thing would be the fine colleges and universities of the state of Arizona. As if its not bad enough that your child has to leave for college, its even made worse by the fact that he or she has to go all the way across the country for it.
It might be time for a change. After all, wouldnt you like to be close enough to make sure that your child is making the most out of the education you worked so hard to provide? And considering the vagabond behavior of college teens nowadays, it wouldnt hurt to keep a close eye on your child. Arizona home equity loans can make that possible for you.
Why Arizona?
The high quality of education provided by the universities and community colleges in Arizona are due in part to the Arizona Board of Regents or ABOR. The ABOR is the governing body of higher education in the state. It is headed by the state Governor himself and includes 8 other volunteer members. The ABOR has...