Are you tired of finding spots on your dishes and glasses after washing them with your dishwasher?
Are you tired of having stiff clothes after washing them with your washing machine?
Are you tired of being unable to get your surfaces cleaned because of the build up of scales?
All this could be the result of “hard water” that you use for the washing of your dishes, washing of your clothes and cleaning of your surfaces.
To solve these problems, it is necessary for you to use water softeners to ease the problem of “hard water”.
In case you haven’t heard about the wonders of water softeners, you should know that they are very important in helping you to solve the above problems and other problems caused by “hard water”.
As the name implies, water softeners are used to “soften” water. As easy as it sounds, most of the water that is available for use is “hard water”.
Water hardness simply refers to water that is hard. In more technical terms, it is water that has a high mineral content.
Water hardness is normally measured in grains per gallon (GPG), parts per...