You pick up the phone, the decision maker is on the line, countless letters and attempts have been made to get to this point, your great benefit line comes out, response; not interested, click.
Want to be able to engage customers with out creating resistance? Here are 2 vital elements everyone needs to be influential and persuasive.
Now it does not matter if we are using the phone, walking in cold or in a retail setting. We need to avoid adding any additional resistance in the other persons mind. There is this avoidance of sales people in 80% of our population including other sales people. This is mainly because of product pushing, I dont want to be sold something.
Here is the key; do I understand what the other person really wants? Do I have an idea of how to talk in their language? Can I ask a question that will drop resistance and engage them in conversation?
It has been proven time and time again that shoving your product in front of someone will create resistance to you and your product. Review the first and second key from the last article (4 Keys to Selling), your customer buys the results of your product/service/idea because it fixes,...