If your company is very much in touch with the business and scientific worlds, this means that you may be doing business agreements and meetings with business professionals from a variety of countries. Some of these countries could be Russia, Japan, France, and China. The catch, however, when doing business deals with people from these countries is that there is zero percent tolerance for informality, such as calling people by their first names.
It is even a great deal for them that you be in business attire when holding meetings, and that you observe proper social etiquette. They take politeness and respect seriously when it comes to business arrangements. So if you find yourself in a similar situation, the business card that will most fit your business is the Engraved Business Card.
This kind of card is very popular in the said countries. It should include not just your name but your business titles and your credentials as well.
At present, the manufacture of engraved business cards requires a lot of attention, unlike in the past when these items merely served the purpose of information retrieval. The details listed on your engraved business cards would...