In a world where seemingly every day a new fad diet hits the shelves, eating healthy can be mired in confusion and doubt. Its no wonder that we have such a difficult time making healthy food choices when everywhere we turn theres a new doctrine of nutrition. What health-conscious eaters need to remember is that no matter how many diets hit the market, there are fundamental guidelines that will always be in place; and ingredients that will always be the healthier choice. Tofu, for instance, continues to be a mainstay in the diets of vegetarians and healthy eaters alike. And finding a tofu dish that seamlessly integrates nutrition and great taste can be easier than you think.
Tofu is made from soybean curds after which it is pressed into blocks to be used in a variety of cuisines. There are a number of forms of tofu the difference between the forms dictates what tofu dish in which it will work the best. Soft tofu has extremely high moisture content as it originates directly from soy milk. The texture of soft tofu is similar to that of custard and subsequently soft tofu is best in a dessert tofu dish. Firm tofu contains slightly less moisture and can hold it shape enough...