In this day and age, you can’t be too complacent about the safety of your own home. Crime abounds everywhere, and even the seemingly safest areas are not spared. Crime prevention is a near impossible feat. However, crime detection leading to prosecution is not, thanks to CCTV security systems.
CCTV Surveillance Defined
Having a CCTV security system for video surveillance and live monitoring purposes is like having an entire television network devoted to the safety of your home. CCTV security systems may comprise of a single or a group of surveillance cameras on a private in-home network. They can be linked to an observation monitor with well-placed cables or even wirelessly.
CCTV security systems are commonly used in areas in need of high-security, such as banks, casinos, and airports. But because CCTV security systems are relatively inexpensive and simple to use, they are now being used in private homes to bolster homeowners’ peace of mind.
CCTV Surveillance vs. Crime
CCTV security systems rapidly gained popularity as an aftermath of the terrorist attacks on London’s public transport system. Surveillance videos identified...