Cut-throat competition is the reality of today due to the huge surplus of sellers. As a result, today’s world is marked by constant contests of supremacy among product and service providers. How can they see to it that their sales revenues rise higher than those of their nearest competitors? Well, they do what the snake tried to do in the Garden of Eden. Instead of the apple that Eve was tempted to take a bite of, the companies of today offer freebies to every willing customer. From free gifts to discounts and sales, customers are really being indulged these days.
A terrific illustration of how brands try to pamper their customers is seen in the department stores of this day. Walk into a decently large department store, get a bill of more than a certain amount, and get ready to be attacked by discount coupons and freebies of all kinds. From beauty products at bargain-basement prices to electronic goods with a whole lot of free add-ons, to discount coupons to the newest restaurants — these are a sample of the kinds of bonuses that consumers are given. The primary aim is to buy the loyalty of unsuspecting customers.
A very good example that shows how the...