If youve ever thought of becoming an entrepreneur you should know there are dozens of online companies willing to provide assistance in helping you launch your big idea. Thats the good news.
The bad news is not all of these sources are worth the time and money you might invest. Then again, thats a common cautionary take in all of lifes pursuits I suppose. So, where exactly does one go to learn more about starting their own business?
Certainly the access of online articles can help. This can take some quality time with a search engine, but you will likely find a great deal of information that would have been hard to locate twenty years ago.
There is one thing that is a bit old school that could assist you in answering your questions about becoming an entrepreneur. You could simply ask someone whos been there for advice.
This doesnt have to be someone directly involved with the idea you have, but simply someone who has already traverse the potholes of entrepreneurialism and lived to find continued success with their idea. Many of these individuals would welcome the opportunity to talk shop.
The whole idea of mentoring seems to be lost to the...