If you are having a very difficult time sleeping at night whether it is falling asleep or staying asleep, it could very well be that it is environmental factors that are hindering your sleep. Think about your home and where you sleep, what could it be that is waking you up? It could be noise, lighting, and a neighbor’s dog, a busy road by your home, a snoring spouse, and police sirens if you live in the city, and the list goes on and on. Even if you slept through the night, these factors can affect the quality of sleep that you get. Other factors can be temperature that is either too hot or too cold and allergies from environmental factors.
Now if you have found that you are suffering from insomnia and the cause is one of an environmental issue then you are going to have to act to get results and this is something that you might want to address right away. Adjust the temperature in your room if it is too hot or too cool. There are a lot of ways to make your room a very comfortable temperature while still allowing for the comfort of others in the home. If it is too warm, close your vents, you can even cover them with foil if there still seems to be heat escaping...