High credit card interest rates and big fees can put you in financial distress very quickly. That’s why you may be searching for a credit card debt elimination program. The opportunity to completely eliminate credit card debt may be difficult to find, because the only way to eliminate debt completely is to pay your credit cards off entirely.
Unfortunately, most people who carry a number of credit card balances from month to month don’t have easy access to a source of funds that would allow them to pay off their credit cards in full. If you’re facing this situation and are still hopeful of locating a method for total credit card debt elimination, you may have to turn to assets that you currently own in order to provide sufficient collateral to secure a loan in order to wipe out your card debt completely.
For most people, the equity in their home may be the best source of collateral to secure a credit card debt elimination loan. In many cases, the interest rate and payback terms are much more favorable to the consumer than those provided by the credit cards they hold. There may also be additional tax benefits available for home loan payments that...