There are numerous credit card processing companies to choose from, each offering different features and fees. Choosing a company to process your customer’s credit card payments can be a daunting task, and sometimes you’ll experience difficulties both looking for a merchant account provider and then afterwards- if you make the wrong selection!
Many banks will deny small business applications for merchant accounts because they don’t want to take the risk. Most small businesses end up going through third party providers who actually get the merchant account on your behalf; then apply their own rate structure to your transactions.
If you operate an online business, you’ll need a shopping cart program of some kind- which must work with the system you use to process credit cards online. Unfortunately, if you go with a third party shopping cart rather than a custom written one it may not work with all credit card processing gateways. You really need to be sure that whatever shopping cart program you use on your web site works with the merchant account you ultimately end up using to process customer payments.
Accepting credit cards is...