The title of this article may prompt you to think that you should have a website based off the rock band KISS. No, KISS in this case refers to the old marketing adage Keep It Simple Stupid. It is critical to keep this marketing strategy in mind when you are creating your website.
How can you use the KISS method when creating your website? Employ the following technical and marketing strategies and you will have a KISS certified website. These strategies can apply to any Internet business. In addition, it doesnt matter what your educational background is because everyone can utilize these techniques.
Your KISS strategy should encompass the following three types of websites: Branding site, Sales Letter site, and Power Squeeze Site. We will discuss each site in further detail.
Site #1 – Branding Site: The purpose of your Branding site is to brand your company, products, and/or services. This page needs to be basic so keep the number of options to a minimum. Remember, a confused mind never buys. A potential customer will leave your site in the blink of an eye if they are overwhelmed by the number of options.
It is also important to...