Discounts are excellent and there are a variety of ways that consumers can obtain a discount on many different items. Many retailers both online and offline offer discounts to their customers on regular basis and they can range in percentage. For example, with certain credit cards different retailers will offer you special discounts for using that credit card with them. Gas charge cards are particularly good at this, certain businesses like hotels, and theme parks will give you discounts for presenting that card when visiting them.
Other types of discounts include, online discounts these are deals that a retailer will give you only on purchases made through their website. This will not apply to any purchased offline at their store; it only applies to their website sales. Other types of discounts are like senior citizens or veterans discounts. These are specifically for those over a certain age or hold veteran status. This typically applies to hotels, car rentals, or other businesses that you may encounter during travel. Senior Citizens also get discounts at restaurants, and on insurance as well.
With some companies, if you are a member of a specific type of club...